Thursday, June 20, 2013

Babes in Paradise

The kids just went on a vacation to Oahu.  My grandson will probably not remember it when he's older (just like my niece doesn't remember her jaunt to freakin' Ireland when she was 3 years old) but they have the photos to prove he was there.

Dude's a world traveler at 23 mos.

Okay, I know I'm his grand ma, but how deliciously adorable is this little guy?

And his parents, well, they are mighty cute, too.  This vacation celebrated her graduation from college before she starts her graduate work.

They deserved it big time.  Vacationing with a child this age is always a challenge, but they managed to get out and about and keep him from sunburn.

Can't wait to get my hands on him.  Nom. Nom. Nom.